
FE Metal Dice - Series 2

Created by Brother Ming Games

7 MORE Fire Emblem metal dice with detailed enamel designs

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Now Available On Etsy!
5 months ago – Wed, Nov 29, 2023 at 02:41:48 PM

This project is now finished! If you've shown off your dice and have jealous friends, you can send them over to my Etsy store to buy a set!

Purchases within the next week are also guaranteed to make it in time for Christmas!

Thank you all so much for your support and I can't wait to wrap up this series of dice with our 3rd and final volume~

- Ming

Shipping completed but I screwed up big time
7 months ago – Sat, Oct 21, 2023 at 09:09:01 PM

Shipping has been completed!

But I screwed up big time.

Turns out I entered the SKUs incorrectly for the project, resulting in the order of every complete set of dice to not only include a complete set of dice in it's respective dice box but also all of that set's dice loose!

This means you all received double the amount of dice. A literal huge mess up on my part OTL

If you live within the united states, please reach out to me via email at [email protected] with your ship from address and I will give you a shipping label to send the extra dice back. Obviously I can't force you to do so but it would seriously save my stupid dumb butt to not lose over 1000 individual dice :(

If you live outside of the united states, there's nothing to be done, as shipping the dice back to me wouldn't be worth the cost.

If you would like to just keep the extra dice to use as sling shot ammo, you can just donate to me however much you'd like to pay for them on Kofi.

Thank ya'll again so much for all your support on this project, and I hope you love your dice!

Final 48 hour notice! Last chance to update addresses!
8 months ago – Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 08:19:44 PM


So much dice!

The dice have finished production and have left the Chinese port! They are currently on a ship and is expected to land on the west cost USA October 1st, and will arrive to me by October 8th!

Shipping is expected to begin October a few days after I receive them, so expect it to begin by mid October at the latest.

Pre-orders will remain open for the next 48 hours as well, so if you have a friend who you want to send this project to so they can get in on the KS price, do so now!

- Ming

A slightly delay, but almost there!
9 months ago – Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 04:46:38 PM

Manufacturing almost completed!

Unfortunately production took a few weeks longer than I expected, however the manufacturer has promised that we will be finished and ready to leave the factory next week. Assuming the dice are shipped out of the factory by the end of the month, it will take around 35 to 45 days to arrive via ocean freight. Therefore, I am currently expecting deliveries to occur around the first half of October.

I plan on locking addresses September 22nd. If you have moved, or are planning to move, please update your address accordingly. You can do so via backerkit. If you did not set up a backerkit account after filling out your survey, you can find a direct link to your survey to update your address via email. If you can't find it, you can email me at [email protected] with your backer number to receive the link directly.

For those of you who already own the original series 1 dice, some very cool news! The new dice box insert will be made from much harder EVA foam. This means they won't get squished. Also there will no longer be that felt sticker that got deformed so easily from the heavy dice.

I'll be selling the new harder EVA foam standalone on my etsy store for cheap if anyone wants to replace their old dice box inserts.

Just one more to go!
A restock of the series 1 dice.

Production is more than half completed
10 months ago – Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 01:24:17 PM

Still on track for the September Delivery

Theres really not much to update as the factory works on manufacturing, coloring, and inspecting all of the dice. As we only make 1 mold per design, we only make 1 die per design, so time is a limiting factor on using each mold over 200 times.

After that, the die are colored by hand, and then go through manual inspection to remove those with coloring defects.

That said, we are still on track for the originally promised September delivery, so in the mean time, please check out some of these progress photos!

Newly Reopened Etsy Store!

I've also got a newly reopened Etsy store! For the first day only, everything will be 30 to 50% off, including the first series of FE metal dice and brand new sleeve designs!

I unfortunately lost my original Etsy store, and after a month of trying to get it back, have decided to just open up a new store, losing over 3000 sales and reviews on record. This sale is to try and get the store up and running and into the Etsy algorithm's good graces, so please leave a picture review if you order something!